Senator Lito Lapid led the groundbreaking ceremony of the Jose Songco Lapid District Hospital in Porac, Pampanga. In his heartfelt address to the Poraqueños, Senator Lapid emphasized his commitment to building hospitals to provide quality medical services to underprivileged citizens. He expressed particular joy that the groundbreaking coincided with his beloved mother’s birthday.
The event was graced by Pampanga Governor Delta Pineda and Porac Mayor Jing Capil, who, alongside doctors, nurses, medical staff, and patients, expressed their gratitude for the new hospital building and its modern facility. The addition of state-of-the-art amenities promises to significantly enhance healthcare services in the region.
In his speech, Governor Pineda committed the Pampanga provincial government to providing a CT scan and other diagnostic machines for the hospital, ensuring top-notch health services for the people of Porac. This initiative underscores a broader commitment to improving healthcare infrastructure in the province.
Additionally, Governor Pineda announced that Senator Lito Lapid would also be donating 21 ambulances to all towns in Pampanga, further bolstering emergency medical services across the province. This generous contribution is a testament to Lapid’s dedication to enhancing public health and safety.
Joining Senador Lapid at the ceremony was his son, TIEZA COO Mark Lapid, highlighting the family’s continued commitment to public service and community development. Their presence underscored a legacy of service and dedication to the welfare of Pampanga’s residents.
The groundbreaking ceremony for the Jose Songco Lapid District Hospital marks a significant milestone in the healthcare landscape of Porac, Pampanga. With the promise of a modern facility, advanced diagnostic equipment, and comprehensive emergency services, the future of healthcare in Porac looks promising. The collaborative efforts of Senador Lito Lapid, Governor Delta Pineda, and Mayor Jing Capil exemplify a unified approach to community health and well-being.
Read more (here).